Action Cricket - Seniors - 060821 Edenvale Summer 2006 - Group B - Current Standings (Fixtures)

  • Position assignment between Henways, C G Boys, The Other Guys, Dirty Sanchez, The Deputies, Revenge of the nerds, Oxygen, 8 Something, Baa Baas and Super 8 ( MEN ) decided via points
  • The Other Guys vs Henways, 23/08/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 7 bonus points
  • EMC vs Henways, 30/08/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 5 bonus points
  • Henways vs Dirty Sanchez, 06/09/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points
  • Henways vs Baa Baas, 13/09/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • Henways vs The ragons, 20/09/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • Henways vs The Deputies, 27/09/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • Henways vs C G Boys, 02/10/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs Henways, 11/10/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 5 bonus points
  • The Other Guys vs Henways, 25/10/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 7 bonus points
  • Super 8 ( MEN ) vs Henways, 01/11/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • 8 Something vs Henways, 01/11/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • Henways vs Dirty Sanchez, 08/11/2006 19:40
    • 6 bonus points
  • Henways vs Baa Baas, 22/11/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 9 bonus points
  • Henways vs The Deputies, 29/11/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • Henways vs Oxygen, 29/11/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • Henways vs C G Boys, 06/12/2006 19:40
    • 4 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs Henways, 11/01/2007 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 3 bonus points
  • 8 Something vs Henways, 11/01/2007 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 3 bonus points
  • 25/08/2006: 10bonus points (Noms paid rd 1)
  • Position assignment between Henways, C G Boys, The Other Guys, Dirty Sanchez, The Deputies, Revenge of the nerds, Oxygen, 8 Something, Baa Baas and Super 8 ( MEN ) decided via points
C G Boys181340101,7491,4622874103155
  • C G Boys vs 8 Something, 28/08/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 7 bonus points
  • Baa Baas vs C G Boys, 04/09/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • C G Boys vs The Other Guys, 11/09/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs C G Boys, 21/09/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • C G Boys vs O.D.S, 25/09/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • Henways vs C G Boys, 02/10/2006 19:40
    • 6 bonus points
  • C G Boys vs Dirty Sanchez, 09/10/2006 19:40
    • 4 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs C G Boys, 19/10/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 5 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs C G Boys, 23/10/2006 20:50
    • 6 bonus points
  • C G Boys vs 8 Something, 30/10/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 7 bonus points
  • C G Boys vs The Other Guys, 06/11/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 7 bonus points
  • Baa Baas vs C G Boys, 13/11/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 5 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs C G Boys, 20/11/2006 18:30
    • 6 bonus points
  • C G Boys vs Super 8 ( MEN ), 30/11/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 7 bonus points
  • Henways vs C G Boys, 06/12/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points
  • C G Boys vs Dirty Sanchez, 07/12/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 7 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs C G Boys, 11/01/2007 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 3 bonus points
  • Position assignment between Henways, C G Boys, The Other Guys, Dirty Sanchez, The Deputies, Revenge of the nerds, Oxygen, 8 Something, Baa Baas and Super 8 ( MEN ) decided via points
The Other Guys18990001,6091,60720114150
  • The Other Guys vs Henways, 23/08/2006 19:40
    • 5 bonus points
  • The Other Guys vs Revenge of the nerds, 31/08/2006 19:40
    • 3 bonus points
  • The Other Guys vs 8 Something, 07/09/2006 20:50
    • 6 bonus points
  • C G Boys vs The Other Guys, 11/09/2006 22:00
    • 4 bonus points
  • O.D.S vs The Other Guys, 20/09/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 7 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs The Other Guys, 29/09/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs The Other Guys, 04/10/2006 22:00
    • 6 bonus points
  • O.D.S vs The Other Guys, 05/10/2006 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • Baa Baas vs The Other Guys, 13/10/2006 18:30
    • 4 bonus points
  • The Other Guys vs The Deputies, 16/10/2006 22:00
    • 6 bonus points
  • The Other Guys vs Henways, 25/10/2006 19:40
    • 3 bonus points
  • C G Boys vs The Other Guys, 06/11/2006 22:00
    • 7 bonus points
  • The Other Guys vs 8 Something, 09/11/2006 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • The Other Guys vs Revenge of the nerds, 09/11/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs The Other Guys, 30/11/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • Baa Baas vs The Other Guys, 11/12/2006 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 9 bonus points
  • The Other Guys vs The Deputies, 11/12/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs The Other Guys, 14/01/2007 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • Position assignment between Henways, C G Boys, The Other Guys, Dirty Sanchez, The Deputies, Revenge of the nerds, Oxygen, 8 Something, Baa Baas and Super 8 ( MEN ) decided via points
Dirty Sanchez18981001,5661,645-791109147
  • Baa Baas vs Dirty Sanchez, 24/08/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 7 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs Dirty Sanchez, 28/08/2006 19:40
    • 3 bonus points
  • Henways vs Dirty Sanchez, 06/09/2006 22:00
    • 6 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs Revenge of the nerds, 13/09/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 9 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs 8 Something, 21/09/2006 18:30
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 7 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs The Other Guys, 29/09/2006 19:40
    • 6 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs Bye Group B, 09/10/2006 08:10
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • C G Boys vs Dirty Sanchez, 09/10/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 5 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs Dirty Sanchez, 19/10/2006 22:00
    • 4 bonus points
  • Baa Baas vs Dirty Sanchez, 26/10/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs Dirty Sanchez, 30/10/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • Henways vs Dirty Sanchez, 08/11/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs Revenge of the nerds, 23/11/2006 20:50
    • 6 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs 8 Something, 23/11/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs The Other Guys, 30/11/2006 20:50
    • 6 bonus points
  • C G Boys vs Dirty Sanchez, 07/12/2006 19:40
    • 2 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs Super 8 ( MEN ), 07/12/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs Dirty Sanchez, 11/01/2007 22:00
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 3 bonus points
  • Position assignment between Henways, C G Boys, The Other Guys, Dirty Sanchez, The Deputies, Revenge of the nerds, Oxygen, 8 Something, Baa Baas and Super 8 ( MEN ) decided via points
The Deputies18891001,7341,775-411105139
  • The Deputies vs EMC, 21/08/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 7 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs Dirty Sanchez, 28/08/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs The ragons, 17/09/2006 17:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs Baa Baas, 18/09/2006 20:50
    • 4 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs C G Boys, 21/09/2006 20:50
    • 6 bonus points
  • Henways vs The Deputies, 27/09/2006 19:40
    • 6 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs The Deputies, 05/10/2006 19:40
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 6 bonus points
  • 8 Something vs The Deputies, 12/10/2006 22:00
    • 6 bonus points
  • The Other Guys vs The Deputies, 16/10/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs Super 8 ( MEN ), 26/10/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs Dirty Sanchez, 30/10/2006 20:50
    • 5 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs Oxygen, 06/11/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs Baa Baas, 13/11/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 7 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs C G Boys, 20/11/2006 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • Henways vs The Deputies, 29/11/2006 20:50
    • 4 bonus points
  • The Other Guys vs The Deputies, 11/12/2006 19:40
    • 3 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs The Deputies, 14/01/2007 12:00
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Position assignment between Henways, C G Boys, The Other Guys, Dirty Sanchez, The Deputies, Revenge of the nerds, Oxygen, 8 Something, Baa Baas and Super 8 ( MEN ) decided via points
Revenge of the nerds186111001,6541,767-113590116
  • 8 Something vs Revenge of the nerds, 24/08/2006 19:40
    • 4 bonus points
  • The Other Guys vs Revenge of the nerds, 31/08/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 7 bonus points
  • O.D.S vs Revenge of the nerds, 07/09/2006 19:40
    • 8 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs Revenge of the nerds, 13/09/2006 19:40
    • 3 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs The ragons, 18/09/2006 08:10
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs Baa Baas, 21/09/2006 19:40
    • 5 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs The Deputies, 05/10/2006 19:40
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 8 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs Henways, 11/10/2006 19:40
    • 7 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs C G Boys, 19/10/2006 20:50
    • 7 bonus points
  • 8 Something vs Revenge of the nerds, 26/10/2006 19:40
    • 1 bonus point
  • Super 8 ( MEN ) vs Revenge of the nerds, 09/11/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • The Other Guys vs Revenge of the nerds, 09/11/2006 20:50
    • 4 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs Oxygen, 23/11/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs Revenge of the nerds, 23/11/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs Baa Baas, 30/11/2006 19:40
    • 3 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs Henways, 11/01/2007 19:40
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Revenge of the nerds vs The Deputies, 14/01/2007 12:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
  • Position assignment between Henways, C G Boys, The Other Guys, Dirty Sanchez, The Deputies, Revenge of the nerds, Oxygen, 8 Something, Baa Baas and Super 8 ( MEN ) decided via points
  • Wolves vs Oxygen, 24/08/2006 20:50
    • 4 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs The Unknown (old), 01/09/2006 19:40
    • 1 bonus point
  • Oxygen vs Amatoti, 07/09/2006 22:00
    • 1 bonus point
  • Finsbury vs Oxygen, 13/09/2006 20:50
    • 4 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs Super 8 ( MEN ), 21/09/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs 8 Something, 28/09/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 5 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs The Other Guys, 04/10/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs Bye Group B, 09/10/2006 07:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs Dirty Sanchez, 19/10/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs C G Boys, 23/10/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points
  • Baa Baas vs Oxygen, 02/11/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 5 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs Oxygen, 06/11/2006 22:00
    • 6 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs Oxygen, 23/11/2006 19:40
    • 6 bonus points
  • Henways vs Oxygen, 29/11/2006 22:00
    • 6 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs 8 Something, 30/11/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs Super 8 ( MEN ), 11/01/2007 20:50
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Oxygen vs Dirty Sanchez, 11/01/2007 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Oxygen vs The Other Guys, 14/01/2007 18:30
    • 0 point
  • Position assignment between Henways, C G Boys, The Other Guys, Dirty Sanchez, The Deputies, Revenge of the nerds, Oxygen, 8 Something, Baa Baas and Super 8 ( MEN ) decided via points
8 Something186111001,6901,965-275078104
  • 8 Something vs Revenge of the nerds, 24/08/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • C G Boys vs 8 Something, 28/08/2006 20:50
    • 3 bonus points
  • The Other Guys vs 8 Something, 07/09/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • O.D.S vs 8 Something, 11/09/2006 20:50
    • 5 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs 8 Something, 21/09/2006 18:30
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 5 bonus points
  • Oxygen vs 8 Something, 28/09/2006 19:40
    • 5 bonus points
  • 8 Something vs The Deputies, 12/10/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 5 bonus points
  • 8 Something vs Revenge of the nerds, 26/10/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • C G Boys vs 8 Something, 30/10/2006 20:50
    • 5 bonus points
  • 8 Something vs Henways, 01/11/2006 20:50
    • 4 bonus points
  • The Other Guys vs 8 Something, 09/11/2006 18:30
    • 4 bonus points
  • Super 8 ( MEN ) vs 8 Something, 16/11/2006 20:50
    • 5 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs 8 Something, 23/11/2006 22:00
    • 0 point
  • Oxygen vs 8 Something, 30/11/2006 19:40
    • 4 bonus points
  • 8 Something vs Baa Baas, 07/12/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 5 bonus points
  • 8 Something vs The Deputies, 11/12/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 7 bonus points
  • 8 Something vs Henways, 11/01/2007 20:50
    • 3 bonus points
  • Position assignment between Henways, C G Boys, The Other Guys, Dirty Sanchez, The Deputies, Revenge of the nerds, Oxygen, 8 Something, Baa Baas and Super 8 ( MEN ) decided via points
Baa Baas187110001,6301,875-24506795
  • Baa Baas vs Dirty Sanchez, 24/08/2006 20:50
    • 2 bonus points
  • Baa Baas vs The ragons, 28/08/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 5 bonus points
  • Baa Baas vs C G Boys, 04/09/2006 19:40
    • 2 bonus points
  • Henways vs Baa Baas, 13/09/2006 19:40
    • 4 bonus points
  • The Deputies vs Baa Baas, 18/09/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs Baa Baas, 21/09/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 7 bonus points
  • 8 Something vs Baa Baas, 05/10/2006 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • Baa Baas vs The Other Guys, 13/10/2006 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points
  • Baa Baas vs Bye Group B, 16/10/2006 08:10
    • 4 points for Win
    • 8 bonus points
  • Baa Baas vs Dirty Sanchez, 26/10/2006 19:40
    • 6 bonus points
  • Baa Baas vs Oxygen, 02/11/2006 19:40
    • 7 bonus points
  • Baa Baas vs C G Boys, 13/11/2006 20:50
    • 2 bonus points
  • Revenge of the nerds vs Baa Baas, 30/11/2006 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 6 bonus points
  • 8 Something vs Baa Baas, 07/12/2006 22:00
    • 2 bonus points
  • Position assignment between Henways, C G Boys, The Other Guys, Dirty Sanchez, The Deputies, Revenge of the nerds, Oxygen, 8 Something, Baa Baas and Super 8 ( MEN ) decided via points
Super 8 ( MEN )184130101,3251,915-59064460
  • Amatoti vs Super 8 ( MEN ), 24/08/2006 20:50
    • 1 bonus point
  • Super 8 ( MEN ) vs Candy Flip, 30/08/2006 22:00
    • 1 bonus point
  • Fired Up vs Super 8 ( MEN ), 06/09/2006 20:50
    • 0 point
  • Oxygen vs Super 8 ( MEN ), 21/09/2006 19:40
    • 1 bonus point
  • Super 8 ( MEN ) vs O2, 27/09/2006 19:40
    • 1 bonus point
  • Jailbirds (cricket) vs Super 8 ( MEN ), 05/10/2006 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points
  • Super 8 ( MEN ) vs The Unknown (old), 12/10/2006 22:00
    • 1 bonus point
  • The Deputies vs Super 8 ( MEN ), 26/10/2006 20:50
    • 6 bonus points
  • Super 8 ( MEN ) vs Henways, 01/11/2006 19:40
    • 1 bonus point
  • Super 8 ( MEN ) vs Revenge of the nerds, 09/11/2006 19:40
    • 1 bonus point
  • Super 8 ( MEN ) vs 8 Something, 16/11/2006 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points
  • C G Boys vs Super 8 ( MEN ), 30/11/2006 22:00
    • 3 bonus points
  • Dirty Sanchez vs Super 8 ( MEN ), 07/12/2006 20:50
    • 2 bonus points
  • Baa Baas vs Super 8 ( MEN ), 11/01/2007 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Oxygen vs Super 8 ( MEN ), 11/01/2007 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • 10/01/2007: 12bonus points (Bye )


Monday 21 Aug 2006

The Deputies
161 (0 skins) - 131 (0 skins) EMC
Monday 21 August 2006
08:10 Willomore
20:50 Centurion
The Deputies161 (0 skins)
EMC131 (0 skins)
Wednesday 23 Aug 2006
The Other Guys
84 (0 skins) - 89 (0 skins) Henways
Wednesday 23 August 2006
19:40 Willomore
The Other Guys84 (0 skins)
Henways89 (0 skins)
Thursday 24 Aug 2006
8 Something
103 (0 skins) - 68 (0 skins) Revenge of the nerds
135 (0 skins) - 78 (0 skins) Oxygen
Baa Baas
107 (0 skins) - 110 (0 skins) Dirty Sanchez
112 (0 skins) - 70 (0 skins) Super 8 ( MEN )
Thursday 24 August 2006
19:40 Willomore
8 Something103 (0 skins)
Revenge of the nerds68 (0 skins)
20:50 Willomore
Wolves135 (0 skins)
Oxygen78 (0 skins)
20:50 Centurion
Baa Baas107 (0 skins)
Dirty Sanchez110 (0 skins)
20:50 Wanderers
Amatoti112 (0 skins)
Super 8 ( MEN )70 (0 skins)
Monday 28 Aug 2006

The Deputies
116 (0 skins) - 52 (0 skins) Dirty Sanchez
C G Boys
184 (0 skins) - 93 (0 skins) 8 Something
Baa Baas
73 (0 skins) - 42 (0 skins) The ragons
Monday 28 August 2006
09:20 Kingsmead
19:40 Wanderers
The Deputies116 (0 skins)
Dirty Sanchez52 (0 skins)
20:50 Newlands
C G Boys184 (0 skins)
8 Something93 (0 skins)
22:00 Centurion
Baa Baas73 (0 skins)
The ragons42 (0 skins)
Wednesday 30 Aug 2006
107 (0 skins) - 108 (0 skins) Henways
Super 8 ( MEN )
84 (0 skins) - 91 (0 skins) Candy Flip
Wednesday 30 August 2006
19:40 Wanderers
EMC107 (0 skins)
Henways108 (0 skins)
22:00 Willomore
Super 8 ( MEN )84 (0 skins)
Candy Flip91 (0 skins)
Thursday 31 Aug 2006
The Other Guys
87 (0 skins) - 129 (0 skins) Revenge of the nerds
Thursday 31 August 2006
19:40 Willomore
The Other Guys87 (0 skins)
Revenge of the nerds129 (0 skins)
Friday 01 Sep 2006
73 (0 skins) - 100 (0 skins) The Unknown (old)
Friday 01 September 2006
19:40 Wanderers
Oxygen73 (0 skins)
The Unknown (old)100 (0 skins)
Monday 04 Sep 2006
Baa Baas
79 (0 skins) - 148 (0 skins) C G Boys
Monday 04 September 2006
19:40 Wanderers
Baa Baas79 (0 skins)
C G Boys148 (0 skins)
Wednesday 06 Sep 2006
Fired Up
177 (0 skins) - 63 (0 skins) Super 8 ( MEN )
138 (0 skins) - 78 (0 skins) Dirty Sanchez
Wednesday 06 September 2006
20:50 Centurion
Fired Up177 (0 skins)
Super 8 ( MEN )63 (0 skins)
22:00 Newlands
Henways138 (0 skins)
Dirty Sanchez78 (0 skins)
Thursday 07 Sep 2006
123 (0 skins) - 112 (0 skins) Revenge of the nerds
The Other Guys
114 (0 skins) - 116 (0 skins) 8 Something
81 (0 skins) - 146 (0 skins) Amatoti
Thursday 07 September 2006
19:40 Wanderers
O.D.S123 (0 skins)
Revenge of the nerds112 (0 skins)
20:50 Newlands
The Other Guys114 (0 skins)
8 Something116 (0 skins)
22:00 Centurion
Oxygen81 (0 skins)
Amatoti146 (0 skins)
Monday 11 Sep 2006
90 (0 skins) - 61 (0 skins) 8 Something
C G Boys
94 (0 skins) - 93 (0 skins) The Other Guys
Monday 11 September 2006
20:50 Newlands
O.D.S90 (0 skins)
8 Something61 (0 skins)
22:00 Wanderers
C G Boys94 (0 skins)
The Other Guys93 (0 skins)
Wednesday 13 Sep 2006
Dirty Sanchez
163 (0 skins) - 107 (0 skins) Revenge of the nerds

In your face
111 (0 skins) - 96 (0 skins) Baa Baas
118 (0 skins) - 77 (0 skins) Oxygen
Wednesday 13 September 2006
19:40 Newlands
Dirty Sanchez163 (0 skins)
Revenge of the nerds107 (0 skins)
19:40 Kingsmead
In your face
19:40 Centurion
Henways111 (0 skins)
Baa Baas96 (0 skins)
20:50 Willomore
Finsbury118 (0 skins)
Oxygen77 (0 skins)
Sunday 17 Sep 2006
The Deputies
1 (0 skins) - 0 (0 skins) The ragons
Sunday 17 September 2006
17:20 Kingsmead
The Deputies1 (0 skins)
The ragons0 (0 skins)
Monday 18 Sep 2006
Revenge of the nerds
1 (0 skins) - 0 (0 skins) The ragons
The Deputies
118 (0 skins) - 125 (0 skins) Baa Baas
Monday 18 September 2006
08:10 Newlands
Revenge of the nerds1 (0 skins)
The ragons0 (0 skins)
20:50 Willomore
The Deputies118 (0 skins)
Baa Baas125 (0 skins)
Wednesday 20 Sep 2006
1 (0 skins) - 0 (0 skins) The ragons
64 (0 skins) - 92 (0 skins) The Other Guys
Wednesday 20 September 2006
19:40 Willomore
Henways1 (0 skins)
The ragons0 (0 skins)
20:50 Centurion
O.D.S64 (0 skins)
The Other Guys92 (0 skins)
Thursday 21 Sep 2006
Dirty Sanchez
110 (0 skins) - 110 (0 skins) 8 Something
146 (0 skins) - 82 (0 skins) Super 8 ( MEN )
Revenge of the nerds
42 (0 skins) - 68 (0 skins) Baa Baas
The Deputies
91 (0 skins) - 93 (0 skins) C G Boys
Thursday 21 September 2006
18:30 Centurion
Dirty Sanchez110 (0 skins)
8 Something110 (0 skins)
19:40 Kingsmead
Oxygen146 (0 skins)
Super 8 ( MEN )82 (0 skins)
19:40 Centurion
Revenge of the nerds42 (0 skins)
Baa Baas68 (0 skins)
20:50 Wanderers
The Deputies91 (0 skins)
C G Boys93 (0 skins)
Monday 25 Sep 2006
C G Boys
1 (0 skins) - 0 (0 skins) O.D.S
Monday 25 September 2006
19:40 Centurion
C G Boys1 (0 skins)
O.D.S0 (0 skins)
Wednesday 27 Sep 2006
142 (0 skins) - 96 (0 skins) The Deputies
Super 8 ( MEN )
67 (0 skins) - 112 (0 skins) O2
Wednesday 27 September 2006
19:40 Kingsmead
Henways142 (0 skins)
The Deputies96 (0 skins)
19:40 Willomore
Super 8 ( MEN )67 (0 skins)
O2112 (0 skins)
Thursday 28 Sep 2006
112 (0 skins) - 65 (0 skins) 8 Something
Thursday 28 September 2006
19:40 Newlands
Oxygen112 (0 skins)
8 Something65 (0 skins)
Friday 29 Sep 2006
Dirty Sanchez
112 (0 skins) - 114 (0 skins) The Other Guys
Friday 29 September 2006
19:40 Willomore
Dirty Sanchez112 (0 skins)
The Other Guys114 (0 skins)
Monday 02 Oct 2006
108 (0 skins) - 62 (0 skins) C G Boys
Monday 02 October 2006
19:40 Wanderers
Henways108 (0 skins)
C G Boys62 (0 skins)
Wednesday 04 Oct 2006
96 (0 skins) - 94 (0 skins) The Other Guys
Wednesday 04 October 2006
22:00 Kingsmead
Oxygen96 (0 skins)
The Other Guys94 (0 skins)
Thursday 05 Oct 2006
0 (0 skins) - 1 (0 skins) The Other Guys
8 Something
103 (0 skins) - 185 (0 skins) Baa Baas
Revenge of the nerds
76 (0 skins) - 76 (0 skins) The Deputies
Jailbirds (cricket)
91 (0 skins) - 106 (0 skins) Super 8 ( MEN )
Thursday 05 October 2006
18:30 Newlands
O.D.S0 (0 skins)
The Other Guys1 (0 skins)
18:30 Centurion
8 Something103 (0 skins)
Baa Baas185 (0 skins)
19:40 Newlands
Revenge of the nerds76 (0 skins)
The Deputies76 (0 skins)
22:00 Willomore
Jailbirds (cricket)91 (0 skins)
Super 8 ( MEN )106 (0 skins)
Monday 09 Oct 2006
1 (0 skins) - 0 (0 skins) Bye Group B
Dirty Sanchez
1 (0 skins) - 0 (0 skins) Bye Group B
C G Boys
48 (0 skins) - 100 (0 skins) Dirty Sanchez
Dirty Sanchez
160 (0 skins) - 92 (0 skins) Zip Zap
Monday 09 October 2006
07:00 Centurion
Oxygen1 (0 skins)
Bye Group B0 (0 skins)
08:10 Newlands
Dirty Sanchez1 (0 skins)
Bye Group B0 (0 skins)
19:40 Wanderers
C G Boys48 (0 skins)
Dirty Sanchez100 (0 skins)
20:50 Kingsmead
Dirty Sanchez160 (0 skins)
Zip Zap92 (0 skins)
Wednesday 11 Oct 2006
Revenge of the nerds
111 (0 skins) - 137 (0 skins) Henways
Wednesday 11 October 2006
19:40 Willomore
Revenge of the nerds111 (0 skins)
Henways137 (0 skins)
Thursday 12 Oct 2006
126 (0 skins) - 33 (0 skins) Super 8 ( MEN )
Super 8 ( MEN )
68 (0 skins) - 140 (0 skins) The Unknown (old)
8 Something
136 (0 skins) - 119 (0 skins) The Deputies
Thursday 12 October 2006
20:50 Willomore
Amatoti126 (0 skins)
Super 8 ( MEN )33 (0 skins)
22:00 Newlands
Super 8 ( MEN )68 (0 skins)
The Unknown (old)140 (0 skins)
22:00 Willomore
8 Something136 (0 skins)
The Deputies119 (0 skins)
Friday 13 Oct 2006
Baa Baas
104 (0 skins) - 96 (0 skins) The Other Guys
Friday 13 October 2006
18:30 Newlands
Baa Baas104 (0 skins)
The Other Guys96 (0 skins)
Monday 16 Oct 2006
Baa Baas
1 (0 skins) - 0 (0 skins) Bye Group B
The Other Guys
108 (0 skins) - 117 (0 skins) The Deputies
Monday 16 October 2006
08:10 Centurion
Baa Baas1 (0 skins)
Bye Group B0 (0 skins)
22:00 Centurion
The Other Guys108 (0 skins)
The Deputies117 (0 skins)
Thursday 19 Oct 2006
130 (0 skins) - 67 (0 skins) Super 8 ( MEN )
Revenge of the nerds
108 (0 skins) - 123 (0 skins) C G Boys
71 (0 skins) - 66 (0 skins) Dirty Sanchez
Thursday 19 October 2006
20:50 Willomore
Wolves130 (0 skins)
Super 8 ( MEN )67 (0 skins)
20:50 Centurion
Revenge of the nerds108 (0 skins)
C G Boys123 (0 skins)
22:00 Newlands
Oxygen71 (0 skins)
Dirty Sanchez66 (0 skins)
Monday 23 Oct 2006
119 (0 skins) - 113 (0 skins) C G Boys
Monday 23 October 2006
20:50 Kingsmead
Oxygen119 (0 skins)
C G Boys113 (0 skins)
Wednesday 25 Oct 2006
The Other Guys
56 (0 skins) - 151 (0 skins) Henways
Wednesday 25 October 2006
19:40 Willomore
The Other Guys56 (0 skins)
Henways151 (0 skins)
Thursday 26 Oct 2006
8 Something
120 (0 skins) - 116 (0 skins) Revenge of the nerds
Baa Baas
65 (0 skins) - 119 (0 skins) Dirty Sanchez
The Deputies
110 (0 skins) - 70 (0 skins) Super 8 ( MEN )
Thursday 26 October 2006
19:40 Kingsmead
8 Something120 (0 skins)
Revenge of the nerds116 (0 skins)
19:40 Centurion
Baa Baas65 (0 skins)
Dirty Sanchez119 (0 skins)
20:50 Centurion
The Deputies110 (0 skins)
Super 8 ( MEN )70 (0 skins)
Monday 30 Oct 2006
The Deputies
110 (0 skins) - 144 (0 skins) Dirty Sanchez
C G Boys
118 (0 skins) - 106 (0 skins) 8 Something
Monday 30 October 2006
20:50 Newlands
The Deputies110 (0 skins)
Dirty Sanchez144 (0 skins)
20:50 Wanderers
C G Boys118 (0 skins)
8 Something106 (0 skins)
Wednesday 01 Nov 2006
Super 8 ( MEN )
67 (0 skins) - 120 (0 skins) Henways
8 Something
101 (0 skins) - 104 (0 skins) Henways
Wednesday 01 November 2006
19:40 Kingsmead
Super 8 ( MEN )67 (0 skins)
Henways120 (0 skins)
20:50 Centurion
8 Something101 (0 skins)
Henways104 (0 skins)
Thursday 02 Nov 2006
Baa Baas
90 (0 skins) - 102 (0 skins) Oxygen
78 (0 skins) - 130 (0 skins) The Other Guys
Thursday 02 November 2006
19:40 Newlands
Baa Baas90 (0 skins)
Oxygen102 (0 skins)
19:40 Centurion
P.I.M.P's78 (0 skins)
The Other Guys130 (0 skins)
Monday 06 Nov 2006
C G Boys
126 (0 skins) - 84 (0 skins) The Other Guys
The Deputies
102 (0 skins) - 94 (0 skins) Oxygen
Monday 06 November 2006
22:00 Kingsmead
C G Boys126 (0 skins)
The Other Guys84 (0 skins)
22:00 Centurion
The Deputies102 (0 skins)
Oxygen94 (0 skins)
Wednesday 08 Nov 2006
98 (0 skins) - 99 (0 skins) Dirty Sanchez
Wednesday 08 November 2006
19:40 Wanderers
Henways98 (0 skins)
Dirty Sanchez99 (0 skins)
Thursday 09 Nov 2006
The Other Guys
124 (0 skins) - 77 (0 skins) 8 Something
Super 8 ( MEN )
42 (0 skins) - 111 (0 skins) Revenge of the nerds
The Other Guys
92 (0 skins) - 64 (0 skins) Revenge of the nerds
Thursday 09 November 2006
18:30 Kingsmead
The Other Guys124 (0 skins)
8 Something77 (0 skins)
19:40 Kingsmead
Super 8 ( MEN )42 (0 skins)
Revenge of the nerds111 (0 skins)
20:50 Willomore
The Other Guys92 (0 skins)
Revenge of the nerds64 (0 skins)
Monday 13 Nov 2006
Baa Baas
92 (0 skins) - 130 (0 skins) C G Boys
The Deputies
112 (0 skins) - 51 (0 skins) Baa Baas
Monday 13 November 2006
20:50 Kingsmead
Baa Baas92 (0 skins)
C G Boys130 (0 skins)
22:00 Kingsmead
The Deputies112 (0 skins)
Baa Baas51 (0 skins)
Thursday 16 Nov 2006
Super 8 ( MEN )
72 (0 skins) - 69 (0 skins) 8 Something
Thursday 16 November 2006
20:50 Willomore
Super 8 ( MEN )72 (0 skins)
8 Something69 (0 skins)
Monday 20 Nov 2006
The Deputies
88 (0 skins) - 80 (0 skins) C G Boys
Monday 20 November 2006
18:30 Centurion
The Deputies88 (0 skins)
C G Boys80 (0 skins)
Wednesday 22 Nov 2006
148 (0 skins) - 76 (0 skins) Baa Baas
Wednesday 22 November 2006
19:40 Newlands
Henways148 (0 skins)
Baa Baas76 (0 skins)
Thursday 23 Nov 2006
Revenge of the nerds
110 (0 skins) - 101 (0 skins) Oxygen
Dirty Sanchez
87 (0 skins) - 118 (0 skins) Revenge of the nerds
Vertical Smile
83 (0 skins) - 114 (0 skins) The Other Guys
Dirty Sanchez
1 (0 skins) - 0 (0 skins) 8 Something
Thursday 23 November 2006
19:40 Kingsmead
Revenge of the nerds110 (0 skins)
Oxygen101 (0 skins)
20:50 Kingsmead
Dirty Sanchez87 (0 skins)
Revenge of the nerds118 (0 skins)
22:00 Willomore
Vertical Smile83 (0 skins)
The Other Guys114 (0 skins)
22:00 Centurion
Dirty Sanchez1 (0 skins)
8 Something0 (0 skins)
Wednesday 29 Nov 2006
115 (0 skins) - 70 (0 skins) The Deputies
97 (0 skins) - 70 (0 skins) Oxygen
Wednesday 29 November 2006
20:50 Wanderers
Henways115 (0 skins)
The Deputies70 (0 skins)
22:00 Wanderers
Henways97 (0 skins)
Oxygen70 (0 skins)
Thursday 30 Nov 2006
116 (0 skins) - 82 (0 skins) 8 Something
Revenge of the nerds
84 (0 skins) - 104 (0 skins) Baa Baas
Dirty Sanchez
74 (0 skins) - 136 (0 skins) The Other Guys
C G Boys
91 (0 skins) - 71 (0 skins) Super 8 ( MEN )
Thursday 30 November 2006
19:40 Centurion
Oxygen116 (0 skins)
8 Something82 (0 skins)
19:40 Wanderers
Revenge of the nerds84 (0 skins)
Baa Baas104 (0 skins)
20:50 Centurion
Dirty Sanchez74 (0 skins)
The Other Guys136 (0 skins)
22:00 Centurion
C G Boys91 (0 skins)
Super 8 ( MEN )71 (0 skins)
Wednesday 06 Dec 2006
111 (0 skins) - 132 (0 skins) C G Boys
Wednesday 06 December 2006
19:40 Willomore
Henways111 (0 skins)
C G Boys132 (0 skins)
Thursday 07 Dec 2006
C G Boys
81 (0 skins) - 42 (0 skins) Dirty Sanchez
Dirty Sanchez
112 (0 skins) - 100 (0 skins) Super 8 ( MEN )
8 Something
120 (0 skins) - 117 (0 skins) Baa Baas
Thursday 07 December 2006
19:40 Newlands
C G Boys81 (0 skins)
Dirty Sanchez42 (0 skins)
20:50 Willomore
Dirty Sanchez112 (0 skins)
Super 8 ( MEN )100 (0 skins)
22:00 Wanderers
8 Something120 (0 skins)
Baa Baas117 (0 skins)
Monday 11 Dec 2006
Baa Baas
116 (0 skins) - 143 (0 skins) The Other Guys
The Other Guys
90 (0 skins) - 78 (0 skins) The Deputies
8 Something
143 (0 skins) - 82 (0 skins) The Deputies
Monday 11 December 2006
18:30 Newlands
Baa Baas116 (0 skins)
The Other Guys143 (0 skins)
19:40 Newlands
The Other Guys90 (0 skins)
The Deputies78 (0 skins)
20:50 Centurion
8 Something143 (0 skins)
The Deputies82 (0 skins)
Thursday 11 Jan 2007
Baa Baas
81 (0 skins) - 147 (4 skins) Super 8 ( MEN )
Revenge of the nerds
95 (2 skins) - 129 (2 skins) Henways
96 (2 skins) - 116 (2 skins) Super 8 ( MEN )
Revenge of the nerds
77 (0 skins) - 125 (4 skins) C G Boys
8 Something
85 (0 skins) - 133 (4 skins) Henways
126 (3 skins) - 96 (1 skin) Dirty Sanchez
Thursday 11 January 2007
19:40 Newlands
Baa Baas81 (0 skins)
Super 8 ( MEN )147 (4 skins)
19:40 Wanderers
Revenge of the nerds95 (2 skins)
Henways129 (2 skins)
20:50 Newlands
Oxygen96 (2 skins)
Super 8 ( MEN )116 (2 skins)
20:50 Willomore
Revenge of the nerds77 (0 skins)
C G Boys125 (4 skins)
20:50 Centurion
8 Something85 (0 skins)
Henways133 (4 skins)
22:00 Centurion
Oxygen126 (3 skins)
Dirty Sanchez96 (1 skin)
Sunday 14 Jan 2007
Revenge of the nerds
125 (3 skins) - 87 (1 skin) The Deputies
0 (0 skins) - 1 (0 skins) The Other Guys
Sunday 14 January 2007
12:00 Newlands
Revenge of the nerds125 (3 skins)
The Deputies87 (1 skin)
18:30 Centurion
Oxygen0 (0 skins)
The Other Guys1 (0 skins)
Wednesday 17 Jan 2007
vsC G Boys
Wednesday 17 January 2007
19:40 Centurion
C G Boys
Thursday 18 Jan 2007
The Other Guys
vsDirty Sanchez
Super 8 ( MEN )
vsBaa Baas
Revenge of the nerds
vs8 Something
Thursday 18 January 2007
19:40 Newlands
The Other Guys
Dirty Sanchez
19:40 Kingsmead
Super 8 ( MEN )
Baa Baas
19:40 Wanderers
Revenge of the nerds
8 Something
Monday 22 Jan 2007
The Other Guys
vsThe Deputies
Monday 22 January 2007
22:00 Newlands
The Other Guys
The Deputies
Wednesday 24 Jan 2007
vsDirty Sanchez
Wednesday 24 January 2007
19:40 Centurion
Dirty Sanchez
Thursday 25 Jan 2007
Revenge of the nerds
vsSuper 8 ( MEN )
Thursday 25 January 2007
19:40 Centurion
Revenge of the nerds
Super 8 ( MEN )
Sunday 28 Jan 2007
C G Boys
8 Something
vsRevenge of the nerds
Super 8 ( MEN )
vsBaa Baas
The Other Guys
vsDirty Sanchez
Sunday 28 January 2007
15:40 Newlands
C G Boys
17:00 Kingsmead
8 Something
Revenge of the nerds
17:00 Centurion
Super 8 ( MEN )
Baa Baas
18:20 Centurion
The Other Guys
Dirty Sanchez
Wednesday 31 Jan 2007
Jailbirds (cricket)
vsThe Other Guys
Wednesday 31 January 2007
19:40 Wanderers
Jailbirds (cricket)
The Other Guys
Thursday 01 Feb 2007
Fired Up
vsThe Deputies
Thursday 01 February 2007
19:40 Newlands
Fired Up
The Deputies
Thursday 26 Apr 2007
Candy Flip
vsThe Other Guys
Thursday 26 April 2007
19:40 Willomore
Candy Flip
The Other Guys
Friday 15 Jun 2007
The Other Guys
vsJailbirds (cricket)
Friday 15 June 2007
20:50 Newlands
The Other Guys
Jailbirds (cricket)
Thursday 23 Aug 2007
vsDirty Sanchez
Thursday 23 August 2007
18:30 Willomore
Dirty Sanchez
Monday 27 Aug 2007
The Other Guys
Monday 27 August 2007
20:50 Kingsmead
The Other Guys
Wednesday 05 Sep 2007
vsDirty Sanchez
Wednesday 05 September 2007
18:30 Willomore
Dirty Sanchez
Thursday 06 Sep 2007
Camel Toe Campers
vsThe Deputies
Thursday 06 September 2007
20:50 Kingsmead
Camel Toe Campers
The Deputies
Monday 14 Jul 2008
The Other Guys
vsRoute 24 seven
Monday 14 July 2008
20:50 Newlands
The Other Guys
Route 24 seven
Friday 10 Oct 2008
The Other Guys
vsThe Rustee's
Friday 10 October 2008
19:40 Kingsmead
The Other Guys
The Rustee's
Wednesday 28 Jan 2009
The Owens
vsThe Other Guys
Wednesday 28 January 2009
22:00 Centurion
The Owens
The Other Guys
Wednesday 18 Feb 2009
The Other Guys
Wednesday 18 February 2009
20:50 Kingsmead
The Other Guys
Thursday 05 Mar 2009
vsThe Other Guys
Thursday 05 March 2009
20:50 Willomore
The Other Guys
Monday 09 Mar 2009
The Other Guys
vsDigicell Dragons
Monday 09 March 2009
20:50 Centurion
The Other Guys
Digicell Dragons
Wednesday 10 Jun 2009
Sevens ( cricket )
vsThe Other Guys
Wednesday 10 June 2009
20:50 Wanderers
Sevens ( cricket )
The Other Guys
Thursday 17 Sep 2009
The Other Guys
Thursday 17 September 2009
22:00 Kingsmead
The Other Guys
Wednesday 30 Sep 2009
The Other Guys
Wednesday 30 September 2009
22:00 Willomore
The Other Guys
Wednesday 07 Oct 2009
The Other Guys
vsNashua North East
Wednesday 07 October 2009
20:50 Centurion
The Other Guys
Nashua North East
Monday 12 Oct 2009
vsThe Other Guys
Monday 12 October 2009
19:40 Centurion
The Other Guys
Friday 16 Oct 2009
Boksburg Bombers
vsThe Other Guys
Friday 16 October 2009
18:30 Willomore
Boksburg Bombers
The Other Guys
Friday 12 Feb 2010
59 (0 skins) - 69 (0 skins) The Other Guys
Friday 12 February 2010
19:40 Centurion
Wolves59 (0 skins)
The Other Guys69 (0 skins)
Wednesday 10 Mar 2010
The Other Guys
169 (0 skins) - 56 (0 skins) Club 10
Durban Poison
vsSuper 8 ( MEN )
Wednesday 10 March 2010
19:40 Willomore
The Other Guys169 (0 skins)
Club 1056 (0 skins)
19:40 Centurion
Durban Poison
Super 8 ( MEN )
Wednesday 16 Jun 2010
The Other Guys
83 (0 skins) - 127 (0 skins) Wolves
Wednesday 16 June 2010
19:40 Willomore
The Other Guys83 (0 skins)
Wolves127 (0 skins)
Friday 02 Jul 2010
166 (0 skins) - 0 (0 skins) The Other Guys
Friday 02 July 2010
22:00 Newlands
Hustlers166 (0 skins)
The Other Guys0 (0 skins)
Friday 09 Jul 2010
93 (0 skins) - 54 (0 skins) The Other Guys
Friday 09 July 2010
20:50 Willomore
Wolves93 (0 skins)
The Other Guys54 (0 skins)
Thursday 07 Oct 2010
113 (0 skins) - 117 (0 skins) The Other Guys
Thursday 07 October 2010
18:30 Willomore
Stefstocks113 (0 skins)
The Other Guys117 (0 skins)
Wednesday 03 Nov 2010
The Other Guys
147 (0 skins) - 36 (0 skins) Red Hot's
Wednesday 03 November 2010
18:30 Centurion
The Other Guys147 (0 skins)
Red Hot's36 (0 skins)
Wednesday 21 Sep 2011
Hucking Fooligans
vsSuper 8 ( MEN )
Wednesday 21 September 2011
19:40 Wanderers
Hucking Fooligans
Super 8 ( MEN )