Brackenfell Action Cricket - 101025 BKF Cricket Summer 2010/11 - Mixed B - Current Standings (Fixtures)

  • Position assignment between FBI, MHG., Daro Mixed s13, Turbo Neute Assorted, Met A (Mixed) and WII NOT FIT decided via points
  • FBI vs MHG., 01/11/2010 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • FBI vs WII NOT FIT, 08/11/2010 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs FBI, 18/11/2010 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • A24 Titans mix vs FBI, 25/11/2010 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs FBI, 01/12/2010 20:50
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • FBI vs WII NOT FIT, 09/12/2010 19:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
  • FBI vs MHG., 15/12/2010 18:20
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points
  • FBI vs Daro Mixed s13, 21/01/2011 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • FBI vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 24/01/2011 19:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs FBI, 28/01/2011 19:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • WII NOT FIT vs FBI, 31/01/2011 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • -2 points
  • MHG. vs FBI, 18/02/2011 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • FBI vs Met A (Mixed), 25/02/2011 20:50
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Met A (Mixed) vs FBI, 28/02/2011 19:30
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 2 bonus points
  • FBI vs MHG., 03/03/2011 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • FBI vs Daro Mixed s13, 13/03/2011 08:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Position assignment between FBI, MHG., Daro Mixed s13, Turbo Neute Assorted, Met A (Mixed) and WII NOT FIT decided via points
  • MHG. vs A24 Titans mix, 25/10/2010 20:50
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • FBI vs MHG., 01/11/2010 18:20
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • -2 points
  • MHG. vs Daro Mixed s13, 10/11/2010 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • MHG. vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 17/11/2010 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • -2 points
  • MHG. vs Met A (Mixed), 29/11/2010 19:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs MHG., 08/12/2010 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • FBI vs MHG., 15/12/2010 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • MHG. vs WII NOT FIT, 10/01/2011 19:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • MHG. vs Daro Mixed s13, 17/01/2011 19:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Met A (Mixed) vs MHG., 24/01/2011 18:20
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points
  • MHG. vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 31/01/2011 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs MHG., 10/02/2011 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • WII NOT FIT vs MHG., 10/02/2011 19:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • MHG. vs FBI, 18/02/2011 20:50
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • FBI vs MHG., 03/03/2011 20:50
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs MHG., 09/03/2011 18:20
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs MHG., 14/03/2011 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Position assignment between FBI, MHG., Daro Mixed s13, Turbo Neute Assorted, Met A (Mixed) and WII NOT FIT decided via points
Daro Mixed s1316880002,1562,146103298130
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs FBI, 25/10/2010 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 04/11/2010 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • MHG. vs Daro Mixed s13, 10/11/2010 18:20
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • WII NOT FIT vs Daro Mixed s13, 22/11/2010 19:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • WII NOT FIT vs Daro Mixed s13, 03/12/2010 19:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs Met A (Mixed), 06/12/2010 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 13/12/2010 18:20
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 2 bonus points
  • MHG. vs Daro Mixed s13, 17/01/2011 19:30
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 2 bonus points
  • FBI vs Daro Mixed s13, 21/01/2011 18:20
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs FBI, 28/01/2011 19:30
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Met A (Mixed) vs Daro Mixed s13, 31/01/2011 18:20
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs Daro Mixed s13, 09/02/2011 19:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs MHG., 10/02/2011 18:20
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 03/03/2011 19:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs MHG., 09/03/2011 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
  • FBI vs Daro Mixed s13, 13/03/2011 08:30
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Position assignment between FBI, MHG., Daro Mixed s13, Turbo Neute Assorted, Met A (Mixed) and WII NOT FIT decided via points
Turbo Neute Assorted176110002,1382,357-2193597121
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 04/11/2010 18:20
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • A24 Titans mix vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 12/11/2010 20:50
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • MHG. vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 17/11/2010 18:20
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs FBI, 18/11/2010 18:20
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs WII NOT FIT, 24/11/2010 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs FBI, 01/12/2010 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs MHG., 08/12/2010 18:20
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 13/12/2010 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • WII NOT FIT vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 17/01/2011 19:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • FBI vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 24/01/2011 19:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • MHG. vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 31/01/2011 18:20
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs Daro Mixed s13, 09/02/2011 19:30
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
  • Met A (Mixed) vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 21/02/2011 22:00
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs WII NOT FIT, 25/02/2011 19:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 03/03/2011 19:30
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs WII NOT FIT, 09/03/2011 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs MHG., 14/03/2011 20:50
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Position assignment between FBI, MHG., Daro Mixed s13, Turbo Neute Assorted, Met A (Mixed) and WII NOT FIT decided via points
Met A (Mixed)11830001,5731,2443293078110
  • WII NOT FIT vs Met A (Mixed), 17/11/2010 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points
  • MHG. vs Met A (Mixed), 29/11/2010 19:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • -2 points
  • Daro Mixed s13 vs Met A (Mixed), 06/12/2010 18:20
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • -2 points
  • WII NOT FIT vs Met A (Mixed), 13/12/2010 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Met A (Mixed) vs MHG., 24/01/2011 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
  • Met A (Mixed) vs Daro Mixed s13, 31/01/2011 18:20
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • -2 points
  • Met A (Mixed) vs WII NOT FIT, 10/02/2011 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Met A (Mixed) vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 21/02/2011 22:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • FBI vs Met A (Mixed), 25/02/2011 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • -2 points
  • Met A (Mixed) vs FBI, 28/02/2011 19:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Position assignment between FBI, MHG., Daro Mixed s13, Turbo Neute Assorted, Met A (Mixed) and WII NOT FIT decided via points
WII NOT FIT161150001,5332,786-1,25376064
  • A24 Titans mix vs WII NOT FIT, 05/11/2010 20:50
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • FBI vs WII NOT FIT, 08/11/2010 18:20
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • WII NOT FIT vs Met A (Mixed), 17/11/2010 20:50
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • WII NOT FIT vs Daro Mixed s13, 22/11/2010 19:30
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs WII NOT FIT, 24/11/2010 22:00
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • WII NOT FIT vs Daro Mixed s13, 03/12/2010 19:30
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • FBI vs WII NOT FIT, 09/12/2010 19:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • WII NOT FIT vs Met A (Mixed), 13/12/2010 20:50
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • MHG. vs WII NOT FIT, 10/01/2011 19:30
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • WII NOT FIT vs Turbo Neute Assorted, 17/01/2011 19:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • WII NOT FIT vs FBI, 31/01/2011 20:50
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • -2 points
  • WII NOT FIT vs MHG., 10/02/2011 19:30
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Met A (Mixed) vs WII NOT FIT, 10/02/2011 22:00
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for filling in the registration form)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Turbo Neute Assorted vs WII NOT FIT, 25/02/2011 19:30
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
    • 2 bonus points
  • Met A (Mixed) vs WII NOT FIT, 07/03/2011 00:00
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points


Friday 22 Oct 2010
Daro Mixed s13
vsA24 Titans mix

Friday 22 October 2010
01:10 Kingsmead
Daro Mixed s13
A24 Titans mix
03:30 Newlands
Monday 25 Oct 2010
00:00St Georges
Epic 0.1
Daro Mixed s13
159 (4 skins) - 66 (0 skins) FBI
20:50St Georges
58 (0 skins) - 217 (4 skins) A24 Titans mix
Monday 25 October 2010
00:00 St Georges
Epic 0.1
18:20 Wanderers
Daro Mixed s13159 (4 skins)
FBI66 (0 skins)
20:50 St Georges
MHG.58 (0 skins)
A24 Titans mix217 (4 skins)
Monday 01 Nov 2010
18:20St Georges
155 (3 skins) - 107 (1 skin) MHG.
Monday 01 November 2010
18:20 St Georges
FBI155 (3 skins)
MHG.107 (1 skin)
Thursday 04 Nov 2010
18:20St Georges
Daro Mixed s13
116 (3 skins) - 110 (1 skin) Turbo Neute Assorted
Thursday 04 November 2010
18:20 St Georges
Daro Mixed s13116 (3 skins)
Turbo Neute Assorted110 (1 skin)
Friday 05 Nov 2010
A24 Titans mix
200 (4 skins) - 86 (0 skins) WII NOT FIT
Friday 05 November 2010
20:50 Newlands
A24 Titans mix200 (4 skins)
WII NOT FIT86 (0 skins)
Monday 08 Nov 2010
188 (4 skins) - 87 (0 skins) WII NOT FIT
Monday 08 November 2010
18:20 Wanderers
FBI188 (4 skins)
WII NOT FIT87 (0 skins)
Wednesday 10 Nov 2010
123 (1 skin) - 122 (3 skins) Daro Mixed s13
Wednesday 10 November 2010
18:20 Newlands
MHG.123 (1 skin)
Daro Mixed s13122 (3 skins)
Thursday 11 Nov 2010
Daro Mixed s13
vsMet A (Mixed)
Thursday 11 November 2010
18:20 Wanderers
Daro Mixed s13
Met A (Mixed)
Friday 12 Nov 2010
A24 Titans mix
134 (3 skins) - 94 (1 skin) Turbo Neute Assorted
Friday 12 November 2010
20:50 Newlands
A24 Titans mix134 (3 skins)
Turbo Neute Assorted94 (1 skin)
Wednesday 17 Nov 2010
104 (1 skin) - 90 (3 skins) Turbo Neute Assorted
91 (0 skins) - 202 (4 skins) Met A (Mixed)
Wednesday 17 November 2010
18:20 Wanderers
MHG.104 (1 skin)
Turbo Neute Assorted90 (3 skins)
20:50 Wanderers
WII NOT FIT91 (0 skins)
Met A (Mixed)202 (4 skins)
Thursday 18 Nov 2010
Turbo Neute Assorted
89 (1 skin) - 139 (3 skins) FBI
Thursday 18 November 2010
18:20 Wanderers
Turbo Neute Assorted89 (1 skin)
FBI139 (3 skins)
Monday 22 Nov 2010
19:30St Georges
108 (0 skins) - 202 (4 skins) Daro Mixed s13
Monday 22 November 2010
19:30 St Georges
WII NOT FIT108 (0 skins)
Daro Mixed s13202 (4 skins)
Wednesday 24 Nov 2010
22:00St Georges
Turbo Neute Assorted
147 (3 skins) - 108 (1 skin) WII NOT FIT
Wednesday 24 November 2010
22:00 St Georges
Turbo Neute Assorted147 (3 skins)
WII NOT FIT108 (1 skin)
Thursday 25 Nov 2010
20:50St Georges
A24 Titans mix
113 (0 skins) - 185 (4 skins) FBI
Thursday 25 November 2010
20:50 St Georges
A24 Titans mix113 (0 skins)
FBI185 (4 skins)
Monday 29 Nov 2010
144 (3 skins) - 90 (1 skin) Met A (Mixed)
Monday 29 November 2010
19:30 Wanderers
MHG.144 (3 skins)
Met A (Mixed)90 (1 skin)
Wednesday 01 Dec 2010
Turbo Neute Assorted
144 (3 skins) - 140 (1 skin) FBI
Wednesday 01 December 2010
20:50 Wanderers
Turbo Neute Assorted144 (3 skins)
FBI140 (1 skin)
Friday 03 Dec 2010
132 (0 skins) - 214 (4 skins) Daro Mixed s13
Friday 03 December 2010
19:30 Wanderers
WII NOT FIT132 (0 skins)
Daro Mixed s13214 (4 skins)
Monday 06 Dec 2010
Daro Mixed s13
143 (1 skin) - 142 (3 skins) Met A (Mixed)
Monday 06 December 2010
18:20 Wanderers
Daro Mixed s13143 (1 skin)
Met A (Mixed)142 (3 skins)
Wednesday 08 Dec 2010
Turbo Neute Assorted
100 (1 skin) - 133 (3 skins) MHG.
Wednesday 08 December 2010
18:20 Wanderers
Turbo Neute Assorted100 (1 skin)
MHG.133 (3 skins)
Thursday 09 Dec 2010
19:30St Georges
181 (3 skins) - 104 (1 skin) WII NOT FIT
Thursday 09 December 2010
19:30 St Georges
FBI181 (3 skins)
WII NOT FIT104 (1 skin)
Monday 13 Dec 2010
18:20St Georges
Daro Mixed s13
138 (1 skin) - 160 (3 skins) Turbo Neute Assorted
132 (0 skins) - 217 (4 skins) Met A (Mixed)
Monday 13 December 2010
18:20 St Georges
Daro Mixed s13138 (1 skin)
Turbo Neute Assorted160 (3 skins)
20:50 Wanderers
WII NOT FIT132 (0 skins)
Met A (Mixed)217 (4 skins)
Wednesday 15 Dec 2010
110 (2 skins) - 131 (2 skins) MHG.
Wednesday 15 December 2010
18:20 Wanderers
FBI110 (2 skins)
MHG.131 (2 skins)
Monday 10 Jan 2011
19:30St Georges
178 (4 skins) - 66 (0 skins) WII NOT FIT
Monday 10 January 2011
19:30 St Georges
MHG.178 (4 skins)
WII NOT FIT66 (0 skins)
Monday 17 Jan 2011
132 (4 skins) - 59 (0 skins) Daro Mixed s13
127 (1 skin) - 178 (3 skins) Turbo Neute Assorted
Monday 17 January 2011
19:30 Newlands
MHG.132 (4 skins)
Daro Mixed s1359 (0 skins)
19:30 Wanderers
WII NOT FIT127 (1 skin)
Turbo Neute Assorted178 (3 skins)
Friday 21 Jan 2011
158 (4 skins) - 77 (0 skins) Daro Mixed s13
Friday 21 January 2011
18:20 Newlands
FBI158 (4 skins)
Daro Mixed s1377 (0 skins)
Monday 24 Jan 2011
Met A (Mixed)
173 (3 skins) - 121 (1 skin) MHG.
19:30St Georges
188 (3 skins) - 90 (1 skin) Turbo Neute Assorted
Monday 24 January 2011
18:20 Newlands
Met A (Mixed)173 (3 skins)
MHG.121 (1 skin)
19:30 St Georges
FBI188 (3 skins)
Turbo Neute Assorted90 (1 skin)
Friday 28 Jan 2011
Daro Mixed s13
123 (2 skins) - 169 (2 skins) FBI
Friday 28 January 2011
19:30 Newlands
Daro Mixed s13123 (2 skins)
FBI169 (2 skins)
Monday 31 Jan 2011
18:20St Georges
Met A (Mixed)
126 (2 skins) - 118 (2 skins) Daro Mixed s13
211 (4 skins) - 87 (0 skins) Turbo Neute Assorted
20:50St Georges
80 (0 skins) - 172 (4 skins) FBI
Monday 31 January 2011
18:20 St Georges
Met A (Mixed)126 (2 skins)
Daro Mixed s13118 (2 skins)
18:20 Wanderers
MHG.211 (4 skins)
Turbo Neute Assorted87 (0 skins)
20:50 St Georges
WII NOT FIT80 (0 skins)
FBI172 (4 skins)
Wednesday 09 Feb 2011
Turbo Neute Assorted
152 (3 skins) - 159 (1 skin) Daro Mixed s13
Wednesday 09 February 2011
19:30 Newlands
Turbo Neute Assorted152 (3 skins)
Daro Mixed s13159 (1 skin)
Thursday 10 Feb 2011
Daro Mixed s13
104 (0 skins) - 151 (4 skins) MHG.
19:30St Georges
66 (0 skins) - 189 (4 skins) MHG.
Met A (Mixed)
177 (4 skins) - 115 (0 skins) WII NOT FIT
Thursday 10 February 2011
18:20 Wanderers
Daro Mixed s13104 (0 skins)
MHG.151 (4 skins)
19:30 St Georges
WII NOT FIT66 (0 skins)
MHG.189 (4 skins)
22:00 Wanderers
Met A (Mixed)177 (4 skins)
WII NOT FIT115 (0 skins)
Friday 18 Feb 2011
120 (1 skin) - 161 (3 skins) FBI
Friday 18 February 2011
20:50 Newlands
MHG.120 (1 skin)
FBI161 (3 skins)
Monday 21 Feb 2011
22:00St Georges
Met A (Mixed)
160 (4 skins) - 110 (0 skins) Turbo Neute Assorted
Monday 21 February 2011
22:00 St Georges
Met A (Mixed)160 (4 skins)
Turbo Neute Assorted110 (0 skins)
Friday 25 Feb 2011
Turbo Neute Assorted
187 (4 skins) - 131 (0 skins) WII NOT FIT
126 (1 skin) - 131 (3 skins) Met A (Mixed)
Friday 25 February 2011
19:30 Kingsmead
Turbo Neute Assorted187 (4 skins)
WII NOT FIT131 (0 skins)
20:50 Newlands
FBI126 (1 skin)
Met A (Mixed)131 (3 skins)
Monday 28 Feb 2011
19:30St Georges
Met A (Mixed)
155 (2 skins) - 143 (2 skins) FBI
Monday 28 February 2011
19:30 St Georges
Met A (Mixed)155 (2 skins)
FBI143 (2 skins)
Thursday 03 Mar 2011
19:30St Georges
Daro Mixed s13
134 (2 skins) - 124 (2 skins) Turbo Neute Assorted
20:50St Georges
116 (2 skins) - 103 (2 skins) MHG.
Thursday 03 March 2011
19:30 St Georges
Prelim Finals 3 vs 4
Daro Mixed s13134 (2 skins)
Turbo Neute Assorted124 (2 skins)
20:50 St Georges
Prelim Finals 1 vs 2
FBI116 (2 skins)
MHG.103 (2 skins)
Monday 07 Mar 2011
Met A (Mixed)
0 (0 skins) - 1 (4 skins) WII NOT FIT
Monday 07 March 2011
00:00 Newlands
Prelim Finals 5 vs 6
Met A (Mixed)0 (0 skins)
WII NOT FIT1 (4 skins)
Wednesday 09 Mar 2011
Daro Mixed s13
138 (3 skins) - 119 (1 skin) MHG.
Turbo Neute Assorted
154 (4 skins) - 99 (0 skins) WII NOT FIT
Wednesday 09 March 2011
18:20 Wanderers
Semi final 1 (winner 3v4 vs loser 1v2)
Daro Mixed s13138 (3 skins)
MHG.119 (1 skin)
22:00 Wanderers
Semi Final 2 (losers 3v4 and winners 5v6)
Turbo Neute Assorted154 (4 skins)
WII NOT FIT99 (0 skins)
Sunday 13 Mar 2011
174 (2 skins) - 150 (2 skins) Daro Mixed s13
Sunday 13 March 2011
08:30 Newlands
Gold & Silver Finals
FBI174 (2 skins)
Daro Mixed s13150 (2 skins)
Monday 14 Mar 2011
20:50St Georges
Turbo Neute Assorted
122 (2 skins) - 136 (2 skins) MHG.
Monday 14 March 2011
20:50 St Georges
Bronze Finals
Turbo Neute Assorted122 (2 skins)
MHG.136 (2 skins)