Midstream Cricket - 2023 Winter Season - Mens F - Current Standings (Fixtures)

  • Position assignment between ActionWhat, JFK, Head Hunters, Red Dragons, Test Eagles, Temper Tantrum, The Tropics and Boep Pens Express decided via points
  • Master Beers 1 vs ActionWhat, 28/06/2023 19:40
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • The Tropics vs ActionWhat, 06/07/2023 19:40
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Fat Boys vs ActionWhat, 13/07/2023 19:40
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • ActionWhat vs Balls of Fury, 24/07/2023 18:30
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • ActionWhat vs Mean Machines, 24/07/2023 19:40
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • ActionWhat vs Wristy Strokers, 02/08/2023 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • The Tropics vs ActionWhat, 16/08/2023 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • ActionWhat vs Red Dragons, 16/08/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • ActionWhat vs Head Hunters, 23/08/2023 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • ActionWhat vs Temper Tantrum, 30/08/2023 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • ActionWhat vs Test Eagles, 07/09/2023 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Boep Pens Express vs ActionWhat, 13/09/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Position assignment between ActionWhat, JFK, Head Hunters, Red Dragons, Test Eagles, Temper Tantrum, The Tropics and Boep Pens Express decided via points
  • Head Hunters vs JFK, 09/08/2023 18:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Temper Tantrum vs JFK, 17/08/2023 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Test Eagles vs JFK, 24/08/2023 20:50
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Boep Pens Express vs JFK, 31/08/2023 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • JFK vs The Tropics, 07/09/2023 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Test Eagles vs JFK, 07/09/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • JFK vs Red Dragons, 14/09/2023 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • 03/08/2023: 32bonus points (Late entry)
  • Position assignment between ActionWhat, JFK, Head Hunters, Red Dragons, Test Eagles, Temper Tantrum, The Tropics and Boep Pens Express decided via points
Head Hunters12750001,03198447285078
  • Head Hunters vs #WeluvPitches, 26/06/2023 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
  • Wasted Potential vs Head Hunters, 03/07/2023 19:40
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Red Dragons vs Head Hunters, 12/07/2023 18:30
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Coffin Dodgers vs Head Hunters, 20/07/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Head Hunters vs Temper Tantrum, 27/07/2023 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • The Tropics vs Head Hunters, 02/08/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Head Hunters vs JFK, 09/08/2023 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Red Dragons vs Head Hunters, 16/08/2023 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • ActionWhat vs Head Hunters, 23/08/2023 18:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • The Tropics vs Head Hunters, 31/08/2023 20:50
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Head Hunters vs Temper Tantrum, 07/09/2023 18:30
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Head Hunters vs Test Eagles, 13/09/2023 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Position assignment between ActionWhat, JFK, Head Hunters, Red Dragons, Test Eagles, Temper Tantrum, The Tropics and Boep Pens Express decided via points
Red Dragons12750008931,008-115244876
  • Temper Tantrum vs Red Dragons, 29/06/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Red Dragons vs #WeluvPitches, 05/07/2023 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Red Dragons vs Head Hunters, 12/07/2023 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Red Dragons vs #WeluvPitches, 20/07/2023 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Red Dragons vs Wasted Potential, 26/07/2023 19:40
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Temper Tantrum vs Red Dragons, 03/08/2023 19:40
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Coffin Dodgers vs Red Dragons, 03/08/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Red Dragons vs Head Hunters, 16/08/2023 19:40
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • ActionWhat vs Red Dragons, 16/08/2023 20:50
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Red Dragons vs Temper Tantrum, 24/08/2023 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Boep Pens Express vs Red Dragons, 04/09/2023 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • JFK vs Red Dragons, 14/09/2023 18:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Position assignment between ActionWhat, JFK, Head Hunters, Red Dragons, Test Eagles, Temper Tantrum, The Tropics and Boep Pens Express decided via points
Test Eagles12660001,003837166324266
  • Qhush vs Test Eagles, 29/06/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Malkoppies vs Test Eagles, 05/07/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Shotguns vs Test Eagles, 12/07/2023 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • Test Eagles vs Broteas, 20/07/2023 19:40
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
  • Test Eagles vs Drinks Break, 31/07/2023 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • Test Eagles vs Strike 2, 31/07/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • Test Eagles vs The Tropics, 10/08/2023 20:50
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Test Eagles vs Boep Pens Express, 16/08/2023 20:50
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Test Eagles vs JFK, 24/08/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
  • ActionWhat vs Test Eagles, 07/09/2023 19:40
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Test Eagles vs JFK, 07/09/2023 20:50
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Head Hunters vs Test Eagles, 13/09/2023 18:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
  • Position assignment between ActionWhat, JFK, Head Hunters, Red Dragons, Test Eagles, Temper Tantrum, The Tropics and Boep Pens Express decided via points
Temper Tantrum12570001,050938112244060
  • Temper Tantrum vs Red Dragons, 29/06/2023 20:50
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Temper Tantrum vs Coffin Dodgers, 03/07/2023 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Temper Tantrum vs Wasted Potential, 13/07/2023 18:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • #WeluvPitches vs Temper Tantrum, 20/07/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Head Hunters vs Temper Tantrum, 27/07/2023 19:40
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Temper Tantrum vs Red Dragons, 03/08/2023 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Boep Pens Express vs Temper Tantrum, 10/08/2023 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Temper Tantrum vs JFK, 17/08/2023 18:30
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Red Dragons vs Temper Tantrum, 24/08/2023 18:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
  • ActionWhat vs Temper Tantrum, 30/08/2023 18:30
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Head Hunters vs Temper Tantrum, 07/09/2023 18:30
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • The Tropics vs Temper Tantrum, 11/09/2023 20:50
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
  • Position assignment between ActionWhat, JFK, Head Hunters, Red Dragons, Test Eagles, Temper Tantrum, The Tropics and Boep Pens Express decided via points
The Tropics1257000771929-158213959
  • Master Beers 1 vs The Tropics, 28/06/2023 18:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
  • The Tropics vs ActionWhat, 06/07/2023 19:40
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Balls of Fury vs The Tropics, 10/07/2023 19:40
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
  • The Tropics vs Fat Boys, 20/07/2023 19:40
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
  • Mean Machines vs The Tropics, 24/07/2023 20:50
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • The Tropics vs Head Hunters, 02/08/2023 20:50
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Test Eagles vs The Tropics, 10/08/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • The Tropics vs ActionWhat, 16/08/2023 19:40
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Boep Pens Express vs The Tropics, 23/08/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • The Tropics vs Head Hunters, 31/08/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • JFK vs The Tropics, 07/09/2023 19:40
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • The Tropics vs Temper Tantrum, 11/09/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 2 bonus points (2 points for paying fixture fee on the night)
  • Position assignment between ActionWhat, JFK, Head Hunters, Red Dragons, Test Eagles, Temper Tantrum, The Tropics and Boep Pens Express decided via points
Boep Pens Express1215000268595-32763842
  • Boep Pens Express vs Temper Tantrum, 10/08/2023 18:30
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Test Eagles vs Boep Pens Express, 16/08/2023 20:50
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Boep Pens Express vs Red Dragons, 04/09/2023 18:30
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • 03/08/2023: 32bonus points (Late entry)


Monday 26 Jun 2023
19:40COURT 3
Head Hunters
142 (3 skins) - 106 (1 skin) #WeluvPitches
Monday 26 June 2023
19:40 COURT 3
Head Hunters142 (3 skins)
#WeluvPitches106 (1 skin)
Wednesday 28 Jun 2023
18:30COURT 3
Master Beers 1
115 (3 skins) - 88 (1 skin) The Tropics
19:40COURT 3
Master Beers 1
105 (2 skins) - 64 (2 skins) ActionWhat
Wednesday 28 June 2023
18:30 COURT 3
Master Beers 1115 (3 skins)
The Tropics88 (1 skin)
19:40 COURT 3
Master Beers 1105 (2 skins)
ActionWhat64 (2 skins)
Thursday 29 Jun 2023
20:50COURT 2
74 (0 skins) - 141 (4 skins) Test Eagles
20:50COURT 3
Temper Tantrum
87 (1 skin) - 98 (3 skins) Red Dragons
Thursday 29 June 2023
20:50 COURT 2
Qhush74 (0 skins)
Test Eagles141 (4 skins)
20:50 COURT 3
Temper Tantrum87 (1 skin)
Red Dragons98 (3 skins)
Monday 03 Jul 2023
19:40COURT 2
Wasted Potential
109 (2 skins) - 97 (2 skins) Head Hunters
19:40COURT 3
Temper Tantrum
104 (3 skins) - 82 (1 skin) Coffin Dodgers
Monday 03 July 2023
19:40 COURT 2
Wasted Potential109 (2 skins)
Head Hunters97 (2 skins)
19:40 COURT 3
Temper Tantrum104 (3 skins)
Coffin Dodgers82 (1 skin)
Wednesday 05 Jul 2023
19:40COURT 1
Red Dragons
80 (3 skins) - 75 (1 skin) #WeluvPitches
20:50COURT 1
86 (1 skin) - 113 (3 skins) Test Eagles
Wednesday 05 July 2023
19:40 COURT 1
Red Dragons80 (3 skins)
#WeluvPitches75 (1 skin)
20:50 COURT 1
Malkoppies86 (1 skin)
Test Eagles113 (3 skins)
Thursday 06 Jul 2023
18:30COURT 3
-3 (1 skin) - 89 (3 skins) JFK
19:40COURT 3
The Tropics
87 (3 skins) - 80 (1 skin) ActionWhat
Thursday 06 July 2023
18:30 COURT 3
Malkoppies-3 (1 skin)
JFK89 (3 skins)
19:40 COURT 3
The Tropics87 (3 skins)
ActionWhat80 (1 skin)
Monday 10 Jul 2023
19:40COURT 2
Balls of Fury
64 (3 skins) - 47 (1 skin) The Tropics
Monday 10 July 2023
19:40 COURT 2
Balls of Fury64 (3 skins)
The Tropics47 (1 skin)
Wednesday 12 Jul 2023
18:30COURT 2
Red Dragons
69 (2 skins) - 66 (2 skins) Head Hunters
19:40COURT 3
39 (0 skins) - 122 (4 skins) Test Eagles
Wednesday 12 July 2023
18:30 COURT 2
Red Dragons69 (2 skins)
Head Hunters66 (2 skins)
19:40 COURT 3
Shotguns39 (0 skins)
Test Eagles122 (4 skins)
Thursday 13 Jul 2023
18:30COURT 3
Temper Tantrum
33 (1 skin) - 139 (3 skins) Wasted Potential
19:40COURT 2
Fat Boys
84 (3 skins) - 48 (1 skin) ActionWhat
Thursday 13 July 2023
18:30 COURT 3
Temper Tantrum33 (1 skin)
Wasted Potential139 (3 skins)
19:40 COURT 2
Fat Boys84 (3 skins)
ActionWhat48 (1 skin)
Thursday 20 Jul 2023
18:30COURT 1
Red Dragons
68 (2 skins) - 48 (2 skins) #WeluvPitches
19:40COURT 1
Test Eagles
24 (1 skin) - 75 (3 skins) Broteas
19:40COURT 3
The Tropics
46 (1 skin) - 95 (3 skins) Fat Boys
20:50COURT 1
23 (0 skins) - 184 (4 skins) Temper Tantrum
20:50COURT 2
Coffin Dodgers
63 (1 skin) - 130 (3 skins) Head Hunters
Thursday 20 July 2023
18:30 COURT 1
Red Dragons68 (2 skins)
#WeluvPitches48 (2 skins)
19:40 COURT 1
Test Eagles24 (1 skin)
Broteas75 (3 skins)
19:40 COURT 3
The Tropics46 (1 skin)
Fat Boys95 (3 skins)
20:50 COURT 1
#WeluvPitches23 (0 skins)
Temper Tantrum184 (4 skins)
20:50 COURT 2
Coffin Dodgers63 (1 skin)
Head Hunters130 (3 skins)
Monday 24 Jul 2023
18:30COURT 3
92 (2 skins) - 115 (2 skins) Balls of Fury
19:40COURT 3
17 (1 skin) - 60 (3 skins) Mean Machines
20:50COURT 3
Mean Machines
166 (4 skins) - -10 (0 skins) The Tropics
Monday 24 July 2023
18:30 COURT 3
ActionWhat92 (2 skins)
Balls of Fury115 (2 skins)
19:40 COURT 3
ActionWhat17 (1 skin)
Mean Machines60 (3 skins)
20:50 COURT 3
Mean Machines166 (4 skins)
The Tropics-10 (0 skins)
Wednesday 26 Jul 2023
19:40COURT 1
Red Dragons
80 (2 skins) - 99 (2 skins) Wasted Potential
Wednesday 26 July 2023
19:40 COURT 1
Red Dragons80 (2 skins)
Wasted Potential99 (2 skins)
Thursday 27 Jul 2023
19:40COURT 1
Head Hunters
120 (4 skins) - 69 (0 skins) Temper Tantrum
Thursday 27 July 2023
19:40 COURT 1
Head Hunters120 (4 skins)
Temper Tantrum69 (0 skins)
Monday 31 Jul 2023
19:40COURT 3
Test Eagles
94 (4 skins) - 26 (0 skins) Drinks Break
20:50COURT 3
Test Eagles
83 (4 skins) - 29 (0 skins) Strike 2
Monday 31 July 2023
19:40 COURT 3
Test Eagles94 (4 skins)
Drinks Break26 (0 skins)
20:50 COURT 3
Test Eagles83 (4 skins)
Strike 229 (0 skins)
Wednesday 02 Aug 2023
18:30COURT 3
91 (4 skins) - 31 (0 skins) Wristy Strokers
20:50COURT 1
The Tropics
29 (1 skin) - 42 (3 skins) Head Hunters
Wednesday 02 August 2023
18:30 COURT 3
ActionWhat91 (4 skins)
Wristy Strokers31 (0 skins)
20:50 COURT 1
The Tropics29 (1 skin)
Head Hunters42 (3 skins)
Thursday 03 Aug 2023
19:40COURT 3
Temper Tantrum
83 (3 skins) - 37 (1 skin) Red Dragons
20:50COURT 3
Coffin Dodgers
80 (0 skins) - 125 (4 skins) Red Dragons
Thursday 03 August 2023
19:40 COURT 3
Temper Tantrum83 (3 skins)
Red Dragons37 (1 skin)
20:50 COURT 3
Coffin Dodgers80 (0 skins)
Red Dragons125 (4 skins)
Wednesday 09 Aug 2023
18:30COURT 3
Head Hunters
79 (3 skins) - 71 (1 skin) JFK
Wednesday 09 August 2023
18:30 COURT 3
Head Hunters79 (3 skins)
JFK71 (1 skin)
Thursday 10 Aug 2023
18:30COURT 1
Boep Pens Express
22 (2 skins) - 68 (2 skins) Temper Tantrum
20:50COURT 2
Test Eagles
60 (2 skins) - 96 (2 skins) The Tropics
Thursday 10 August 2023
18:30 COURT 1
Boep Pens Express22 (2 skins)
Temper Tantrum68 (2 skins)
20:50 COURT 2
Test Eagles60 (2 skins)
The Tropics96 (2 skins)
Wednesday 16 Aug 2023
19:40COURT 1
Red Dragons
70 (1 skin) - 104 (3 skins) Head Hunters
19:40COURT 3
The Tropics
16 (0 skins) - 111 (4 skins) ActionWhat
20:50COURT 1
126 (4 skins) - 47 (0 skins) Red Dragons
20:50COURT 3
Test Eagles
68 (2 skins) - 100 (2 skins) Boep Pens Express
Wednesday 16 August 2023
19:40 COURT 1
Red Dragons70 (1 skin)
Head Hunters104 (3 skins)
19:40 COURT 3
The Tropics16 (0 skins)
ActionWhat111 (4 skins)
20:50 COURT 1
ActionWhat126 (4 skins)
Red Dragons47 (0 skins)
20:50 COURT 3
Test Eagles68 (2 skins)
Boep Pens Express100 (2 skins)
Thursday 17 Aug 2023
18:30COURT 3
Temper Tantrum
89 (2 skins) - 99 (2 skins) JFK
Thursday 17 August 2023
18:30 COURT 3
Temper Tantrum89 (2 skins)
JFK99 (2 skins)
Wednesday 23 Aug 2023
18:30COURT 3
94 (3 skins) - 82 (1 skin) Head Hunters
20:50COURT 3
Boep Pens Express
7 (0 skins) - 116 (4 skins) The Tropics
Wednesday 23 August 2023
18:30 COURT 3
ActionWhat94 (3 skins)
Head Hunters82 (1 skin)
20:50 COURT 3
Boep Pens Express7 (0 skins)
The Tropics116 (4 skins)
Thursday 24 Aug 2023
18:30COURT 1
Red Dragons
99 (3 skins) - 83 (1 skin) Temper Tantrum
20:50COURT 1
Test Eagles
113 (3 skins) - 35 (1 skin) JFK
Thursday 24 August 2023
18:30 COURT 1
Red Dragons99 (3 skins)
Temper Tantrum83 (1 skin)
20:50 COURT 1
Test Eagles113 (3 skins)
JFK35 (1 skin)
Wednesday 30 Aug 2023
18:30COURT 3
69 (2 skins) - 32 (2 skins) Temper Tantrum
Wednesday 30 August 2023
18:30 COURT 3
ActionWhat69 (2 skins)
Temper Tantrum32 (2 skins)
Thursday 31 Aug 2023
18:30COURT 1
Boep Pens Express
20 (0 skins) - 120 (4 skins) JFK
20:50COURT 1
The Tropics
95 (3 skins) - 27 (1 skin) Head Hunters
Thursday 31 August 2023
18:30 COURT 1
Boep Pens Express20 (0 skins)
JFK120 (4 skins)
20:50 COURT 1
The Tropics95 (3 skins)
Head Hunters27 (1 skin)
Monday 04 Sep 2023
18:30COURT 2
Boep Pens Express
87 (2 skins) - 107 (2 skins) Red Dragons
Monday 04 September 2023
18:30 COURT 2
Boep Pens Express87 (2 skins)
Red Dragons107 (2 skins)
Thursday 07 Sep 2023
18:30COURT 3
Head Hunters
39 (0 skins) - 117 (4 skins) Temper Tantrum
19:40COURT 2
98 (2 skins) - 71 (2 skins) Test Eagles
19:40COURT 3
61 (2 skins) - 50 (2 skins) The Tropics
20:50COURT 3
Test Eagles
22 (2 skins) - 76 (2 skins) JFK
Thursday 07 September 2023
18:30 COURT 3
Head Hunters39 (0 skins)
Temper Tantrum117 (4 skins)
19:40 COURT 2
ActionWhat98 (2 skins)
Test Eagles71 (2 skins)
19:40 COURT 3
JFK61 (2 skins)
The Tropics50 (2 skins)
20:50 COURT 3
Test Eagles22 (2 skins)
JFK76 (2 skins)
Monday 11 Sep 2023
20:50COURT 2
The Tropics
111 (3 skins) - 101 (1 skin) Temper Tantrum
Monday 11 September 2023
20:50 COURT 2
The Tropics111 (3 skins)
Temper Tantrum101 (1 skin)
Wednesday 13 Sep 2023
18:30COURT 2
Head Hunters
103 (3 skins) - 92 (1 skin) Test Eagles
20:50COURT 1
Boep Pens Express
32 (0 skins) - 116 (4 skins) ActionWhat
Wednesday 13 September 2023
18:30 COURT 2
Head Hunters103 (3 skins)
Test Eagles92 (1 skin)
20:50 COURT 1
Boep Pens Express32 (0 skins)
ActionWhat116 (4 skins)
Thursday 14 Sep 2023
18:30COURT 3
70 (3 skins) - 13 (1 skin) Red Dragons
Thursday 14 September 2023
18:30 COURT 3
JFK70 (3 skins)
Red Dragons13 (1 skin)
Wednesday 20 Sep 2023
18:30COURT 1
Head Hunters
76 (2 skins) - 99 (2 skins) Red Dragons
18:30COURT 3
25 (0 skins) - 83 (4 skins) JFK
20:50COURT 3
The Tropics
111 (2 skins) - 65 (2 skins) Boep Pens Express
Wednesday 20 September 2023
18:30 COURT 1
Prelim (A) 2
Head Hunters76 (2 skins)
Red Dragons99 (2 skins)
18:30 COURT 3
Prelim (A) 1
ActionWhat25 (0 skins)
JFK83 (4 skins)
20:50 COURT 3
Prelim (B) 2
The Tropics111 (2 skins)
Boep Pens Express65 (2 skins)
Thursday 21 Sep 2023
19:40COURT 3
Test Eagles
120 (3 skins) - 55 (1 skin) Temper Tantrum
Thursday 21 September 2023
19:40 COURT 3
Prelim (B) 1
Test Eagles120 (3 skins)
Temper Tantrum55 (1 skin)
Wednesday 27 Sep 2023
18:30COURT 2
42 (0 skins) - 89 (4 skins) Red Dragons
19:40COURT 3
Wristy Strokers
30 (1 skin) - 93 (3 skins) Boep Pens Express
20:50COURT 2
Head Hunters
122 (3 skins) - 7 (1 skin) Test Eagles
Wednesday 27 September 2023
18:30 COURT 2
Semi (A) 1
ActionWhat42 (0 skins)
Red Dragons89 (4 skins)
19:40 COURT 3
Wristy Strokers30 (1 skin)
Boep Pens Express93 (3 skins)
20:50 COURT 2
Head Hunters122 (3 skins)
Test Eagles7 (1 skin)
Thursday 28 Sep 2023
18:30COURT 3
47 (2 skins) - 84 (2 skins) JFK
19:40COURT 3
Temper Tantrum
-10 (0 skins) - 112 (4 skins) The Tropics
Thursday 28 September 2023
18:30 COURT 3
Midstreakers47 (2 skins)
JFK84 (2 skins)
19:40 COURT 3
Semi (B) 1
Temper Tantrum-10 (0 skins)
The Tropics112 (4 skins)
Wednesday 04 Oct 2023
18:30COURT 3
71 (2 skins) - 80 (2 skins) Head Hunters
19:40COURT 3
Test Eagles
106 (1 skin) - 93 (3 skins) The Tropics
Wednesday 04 October 2023
18:30 COURT 3
ActionWhat71 (2 skins)
Head Hunters80 (2 skins)
19:40 COURT 3
Test Eagles106 (1 skin)
The Tropics93 (3 skins)
Thursday 05 Oct 2023
20:50COURT 1
Temper Tantrum
115 (3 skins) - 21 (1 skin) Boep Pens Express
20:50COURT 2
124 (3 skins) - 56 (1 skin) Red Dragons
Thursday 05 October 2023
20:50 COURT 1
Temper Tantrum115 (3 skins)
Boep Pens Express21 (1 skin)
20:50 COURT 2
JFK124 (3 skins)
Red Dragons56 (1 skin)