U-Pro CRICKET - U-Pro Autumn 2024 - Thursday 2 - Current Standings (Fixtures)

  • Position assignment between Wille Honne, Net Nog enetjie!, Pretoria 8*, Tigers, The Mighty Potters and Legen-Dairy decided via points
Wille Honne111100001,120550570293467
  • 8 Latte En Geen Platte vs Wille Honne, 01/05/2024 19:20
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • Wille Honne vs Legen-Dairy, 09/05/2024 20:30
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Net Nog enetjie! vs Wille Honne, 16/05/2024 20:30
    • 3 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Wille Honne vs The Mighty Potters, 23/05/2024 19:20
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Tigers vs Wille Honne, 30/05/2024 19:20
    • 3 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Wille Honne vs Pretoria 8*, 06/06/2024 21:40
    • 3 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
  • Legen-Dairy vs Wille Honne, 13/06/2024 19:20
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Mighty Potters vs Wille Honne, 13/06/2024 20:30
    • 3 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Wille Honne vs Net Nog enetjie!, 20/06/2024 19:20
    • 3 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Pretoria 8* vs Wille Honne, 11/07/2024 20:30
    • 3 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Wille Honne vs Tigers, 18/07/2024 19:20
    • 3 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Position assignment between Wille Honne, Net Nog enetjie!, Pretoria 8*, Tigers, The Mighty Potters and Legen-Dairy decided via points
Net Nog enetjie!1082000863516347303761
  • Net Nog enetjie! vs The Mighty Potters, 02/05/2024 20:30
    • 3 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Net Nog enetjie! vs Pretoria 8*, 09/05/2024 21:40
    • 3 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Net Nog enetjie! vs Wille Honne, 16/05/2024 20:30
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Legen-Dairy vs Net Nog enetjie!, 30/05/2024 18:10
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • The Mighty Potters vs Net Nog enetjie!, 06/06/2024 21:40
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Pretoria 8* vs Net Nog enetjie!, 13/06/2024 20:30
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • Wille Honne vs Net Nog enetjie!, 20/06/2024 19:20
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Net Nog enetjie! vs The Mighty Potters, 27/06/2024 19:20
    • 3 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Net Nog enetjie! vs Legen-Dairy, 04/07/2024 18:10
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Tigers vs Net Nog enetjie!, 11/07/2024 19:20
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • Position assignment between Wille Honne, Net Nog enetjie!, Pretoria 8*, Tigers, The Mighty Potters and Legen-Dairy decided via points
Pretoria 8*11560001,102846256272742
  • Balls of Fury vs Pretoria 8*, 02/05/2024 19:20
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • Net Nog enetjie! vs Pretoria 8*, 09/05/2024 21:40
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
  • Tigers vs Pretoria 8*, 16/05/2024 19:20
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Pretoria 8* vs Legen-Dairy, 23/05/2024 19:20
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • Pretoria 8* vs The Mighty Potters, 30/05/2024 18:10
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • Wille Honne vs Pretoria 8*, 06/06/2024 21:40
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
  • Legen-Dairy vs Pretoria 8*, 27/06/2024 18:10
    • 3 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
  • The Mighty Potters vs Pretoria 8*, 04/07/2024 18:10
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • Pretoria 8* vs Wille Honne, 11/07/2024 20:30
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Position assignment between Wille Honne, Net Nog enetjie!, Pretoria 8*, Tigers, The Mighty Potters and Legen-Dairy decided via points
  • The Mighty Potters vs Tigers, 09/05/2024 20:30
    • 3 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
  • Tigers vs Pretoria 8*, 16/05/2024 19:20
    • 3 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Tigers vs Wille Honne, 30/05/2024 19:20
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Tigers vs Legen-Dairy, 06/06/2024 20:30
    • 3 points for Win
    • 3 bonus points (Won 3 Skins)
  • Pretoria 8* vs Tigers, 18/07/2024 18:10
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Wille Honne vs Tigers, 18/07/2024 19:20
    • 2 bonus points (Won 2 Skins)
  • Position assignment between Wille Honne, Net Nog enetjie!, Pretoria 8*, Tigers, The Mighty Potters and Legen-Dairy decided via points
The Mighty Potters11380005541,001-447161625
  • Net Nog enetjie! vs The Mighty Potters, 02/05/2024 20:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
  • The Mighty Potters vs Tigers, 09/05/2024 20:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
  • The Mighty Potters vs Legen-Dairy, 16/05/2024 19:20
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • The Mighty Potters vs Wille Honne, 13/06/2024 20:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
  • Legen-Dairy vs The Mighty Potters, 20/06/2024 19:20
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • Net Nog enetjie! vs The Mighty Potters, 27/06/2024 19:20
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
  • Tigers vs The Mighty Potters, 11/07/2024 20:30
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • Position assignment between Wille Honne, Net Nog enetjie!, Pretoria 8*, Tigers, The Mighty Potters and Legen-Dairy decided via points
  • Legen-Dairy vs Tigers, 02/05/2024 20:30
    • 3 points for Win
    • 4 bonus points (Won 4 Skins)
  • Wille Honne vs Legen-Dairy, 09/05/2024 20:30
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • The Mighty Potters vs Legen-Dairy, 16/05/2024 19:20
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Pretoria 8* vs Legen-Dairy, 23/05/2024 19:20
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Legen-Dairy vs Net Nog enetjie!, 30/05/2024 18:10
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Tigers vs Legen-Dairy, 06/06/2024 20:30
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Legen-Dairy vs The Mighty Potters, 20/06/2024 19:20
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Legen-Dairy vs Pretoria 8*, 27/06/2024 18:10
    • 1 bonus point (Won 1 Skin)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Net Nog enetjie! vs Legen-Dairy, 04/07/2024 18:10
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)


Wednesday 24 Apr 2024
18:10Action 3
NG u18
117 (4 skins) - 72 (0 skins) Tigers
19:20Action 3
The Brew Crew
34 (0 skins) - 201 (4 skins) Wille Honne
20:30Action 4
Night Watchmen
98 (3 skins) - 30 (1 skin) Legen-Dairy
Wednesday 24 April 2024
18:10 Action 3
NG u18117 (4 skins)
Tigers72 (0 skins)
19:20 Action 3
Grading Game
The Brew Crew34 (0 skins)
Wille Honne201 (4 skins)
20:30 Action 4
Grading Game
Night Watchmen98 (3 skins)
Legen-Dairy30 (1 skin)
Thursday 25 Apr 2024
20:30Action 1
32 (2 skins) - 86 (2 skins) The Mighty Potters
Thursday 25 April 2024
20:30 Action 1
Grading Game
PNG32 (2 skins)
The Mighty Potters86 (2 skins)
Wednesday 01 May 2024
19:20Action 2
8 Latte En Geen Platte
45 (0 skins) - 120 (4 skins) Wille Honne
Wednesday 01 May 2024
19:20 Action 2
8 Latte En Geen Platte45 (0 skins)
Wille Honne120 (4 skins)
Thursday 02 May 2024
18:10Action 1
Booze Boys
44 (2 skins) - 47 (2 skins) Legen-Dairy
19:20Action 4
Balls of Fury
96 (0 skins) - 162 (4 skins) Pretoria 8*
20:30Action 3
Net Nog enetjie!
87 (3 skins) - 32 (1 skin) The Mighty Potters
20:30Play Area
1 (4 skins) - 0 (0 skins) Tigers
Thursday 02 May 2024
18:10 Action 1
Booze Boys44 (2 skins)
Legen-Dairy47 (2 skins)
19:20 Action 4
Balls of Fury96 (0 skins)
Pretoria 8*162 (4 skins)
20:30 Action 3
Net Nog enetjie!87 (3 skins)
The Mighty Potters32 (1 skin)
20:30 Play Area
Legen-Dairy1 (4 skins)
Tigers0 (0 skins)
Thursday 09 May 2024
20:30Action 3
Wille Honne
157 (4 skins) - -12 (0 skins) Legen-Dairy
20:30Action 4
The Mighty Potters
31 (1 skin) - 102 (3 skins) Tigers
21:40Action 1
Net Nog enetjie!
99 (1 skin) - 98 (3 skins) Pretoria 8*
Thursday 09 May 2024
20:30 Action 3
Wille Honne157 (4 skins)
Legen-Dairy-12 (0 skins)
20:30 Action 4
The Mighty Potters31 (1 skin)
Tigers102 (3 skins)
21:40 Action 1
Net Nog enetjie!99 (1 skin)
Pretoria 8*98 (3 skins)
Thursday 16 May 2024
19:20Action 2
87 (2 skins) - 71 (2 skins) Pretoria 8*
19:20Action 4
The Mighty Potters
135 (4 skins) - 28 (0 skins) Legen-Dairy
20:30Action 1
Net Nog enetjie!
44 (2 skins) - 101 (2 skins) Wille Honne
Thursday 16 May 2024
19:20 Action 2
Tigers87 (2 skins)
Pretoria 8*71 (2 skins)
19:20 Action 4
The Mighty Potters135 (4 skins)
Legen-Dairy28 (0 skins)
20:30 Action 1
Net Nog enetjie!44 (2 skins)
Wille Honne101 (2 skins)
Thursday 23 May 2024
19:20Action 1
Wille Honne
135 (4 skins) - 53 (0 skins) The Mighty Potters
19:20Action 2
Pretoria 8*
152 (4 skins) - -12 (0 skins) Legen-Dairy
Thursday 23 May 2024
19:20 Action 1
Wille Honne135 (4 skins)
The Mighty Potters53 (0 skins)
19:20 Action 2
Pretoria 8*152 (4 skins)
Legen-Dairy-12 (0 skins)
Thursday 30 May 2024
18:10Action 3
Pretoria 8*
132 (4 skins) - -6 (0 skins) The Mighty Potters
18:10Action 4
27 (0 skins) - 110 (4 skins) Net Nog enetjie!
19:20Action 1
69 (2 skins) - 82 (2 skins) Wille Honne
Thursday 30 May 2024
18:10 Action 3
Pretoria 8*132 (4 skins)
The Mighty Potters-6 (0 skins)
18:10 Action 4
Legen-Dairy27 (0 skins)
Net Nog enetjie!110 (4 skins)
19:20 Action 1
Tigers69 (2 skins)
Wille Honne82 (2 skins)
Thursday 06 Jun 2024
20:30Action 2
140 (3 skins) - 84 (1 skin) Legen-Dairy
21:40Action 3
The Mighty Potters
74 (0 skins) - 139 (4 skins) Net Nog enetjie!
21:40Action 4
Wille Honne
114 (3 skins) - 42 (1 skin) Pretoria 8*
Thursday 06 June 2024
20:30 Action 2
Tigers140 (3 skins)
Legen-Dairy84 (1 skin)
21:40 Action 3
The Mighty Potters74 (0 skins)
Net Nog enetjie!139 (4 skins)
21:40 Action 4
Wille Honne114 (3 skins)
Pretoria 8*42 (1 skin)
Thursday 13 Jun 2024
19:20Play Area
0 (0 skins) - 1 (0 skins) Wille Honne
20:30Action 2
The Mighty Potters
51 (1 skin) - 120 (3 skins) Wille Honne
20:30Action 4
Pretoria 8*
23 (0 skins) - 94 (4 skins) Net Nog enetjie!
Thursday 13 June 2024
19:20 Play Area
Legen-Dairy0 (0 skins)
Wille Honne1 (0 skins)
20:30 Action 2
The Mighty Potters51 (1 skin)
Wille Honne120 (3 skins)
20:30 Action 4
Pretoria 8*23 (0 skins)
Net Nog enetjie!94 (4 skins)
Thursday 20 Jun 2024
19:20Action 2
31 (0 skins) - 110 (4 skins) The Mighty Potters
19:20Action 3
Wille Honne
91 (3 skins) - 73 (1 skin) Net Nog enetjie!
19:20Action 4
Pretoria 8*
61 (2 skins) - 84 (2 skins) Kierie Koshuis
Thursday 20 June 2024
19:20 Action 2
Legen-Dairy31 (0 skins)
The Mighty Potters110 (4 skins)
19:20 Action 3
Wille Honne91 (3 skins)
Net Nog enetjie!73 (1 skin)
19:20 Action 4
Pretoria 8*61 (2 skins)
Kierie Koshuis84 (2 skins)
Thursday 27 Jun 2024
18:10Action 3
103 (1 skin) - 113 (3 skins) Pretoria 8*
19:20Action 4
Net Nog enetjie!
97 (3 skins) - 29 (1 skin) The Mighty Potters
Thursday 27 June 2024
18:10 Action 3
Legen-Dairy103 (1 skin)
Pretoria 8*113 (3 skins)
19:20 Action 4
Net Nog enetjie!97 (3 skins)
The Mighty Potters29 (1 skin)
Thursday 04 Jul 2024
18:10Action 1
Net Nog enetjie!
119 (4 skins) - 41 (0 skins) Legen-Dairy
18:10Action 2
The Mighty Potters
44 (0 skins) - 130 (4 skins) Pretoria 8*
20:30Action 3
Kierie Koshuis
96 (4 skins) - 72 (0 skins) Pretoria 8*
Thursday 04 July 2024
18:10 Action 1
Net Nog enetjie!119 (4 skins)
Legen-Dairy41 (0 skins)
18:10 Action 2
The Mighty Potters44 (0 skins)
Pretoria 8*130 (4 skins)
20:30 Action 3
Kierie Koshuis96 (4 skins)
Pretoria 8*72 (0 skins)
Thursday 11 Jul 2024
19:20Action 2
0 (0 skins) - 1 (4 skins) Net Nog enetjie!
20:30Action 2
0 (0 skins) - 1 (4 skins) The Mighty Potters
20:30Action 3
Die Parkie Manne
126 (3 skins) - 127 (1 skin) Tigers
20:30Action 4
Pretoria 8*
90 (2 skins) - 100 (2 skins) Wille Honne
Thursday 11 July 2024
19:20 Action 2
Tigers0 (0 skins)
Net Nog enetjie!1 (4 skins)
20:30 Action 2
Tigers0 (0 skins)
The Mighty Potters1 (4 skins)
20:30 Action 3
Die Parkie Manne126 (3 skins)
Tigers127 (1 skin)
20:30 Action 4
Pretoria 8*90 (2 skins)
Wille Honne100 (2 skins)
Thursday 18 Jul 2024
18:10Action 1
Pretoria 8*
89 (0 skins) - 127 (4 skins) Tigers
19:20Action 1
Wille Honne
99 (2 skins) - 95 (2 skins) Tigers
Thursday 18 July 2024
18:10 Action 1
Pretoria 8*89 (0 skins)
Tigers127 (4 skins)
19:20 Action 1
Wille Honne99 (2 skins)
Tigers95 (2 skins)
Thursday 25 Jul 2024
18:10Action 3
Pretoria 8*
53 (2 skins) - 44 (2 skins) Tigers
18:10Action 4
The Mighty Potters
70 (0 skins) - 118 (4 skins) Legen-Dairy
19:20Action 1
Wille Honne
110 (3 skins) - 46 (1 skin) Net Nog enetjie!
Thursday 25 July 2024
18:10 Action 3
Quarter Final B
Pretoria 8*53 (2 skins)
Tigers44 (2 skins)
18:10 Action 4
Quater Final C
The Mighty Potters70 (0 skins)
Legen-Dairy118 (4 skins)
19:20 Action 1
Quarter Final A
Wille Honne110 (3 skins)
Net Nog enetjie!46 (1 skin)
Thursday 08 Aug 2024
18:10Action 1
Net Nog enetjie!
51 (1 skin) - 98 (3 skins) Pretoria 8*
18:10Action 2
133 (4 skins) - 18 (0 skins) Legen-Dairy
20:30Action 1
Net Nog enetjie!
85 (1 skin) - 98 (3 skins) Tigers
20:30Action 2
102 (3 skins) - 52 (1 skin) The Mighty Potters
20:30Action 3
Wille Honne
64 (1 skin) - 38 (3 skins) Pretoria 8*
Thursday 08 August 2024
18:10 Action 1
Semi Final A
Net Nog enetjie!51 (1 skin)
Pretoria 8*98 (3 skins)
18:10 Action 2
Semi Final B
Tigers133 (4 skins)
Legen-Dairy18 (0 skins)
20:30 Action 1
Bronze Final
Net Nog enetjie!85 (1 skin)
Tigers98 (3 skins)
20:30 Action 2
Plate Final
Legen-Dairy102 (3 skins)
The Mighty Potters52 (1 skin)
20:30 Action 3
Gold Final
Wille Honne64 (1 skin)
Pretoria 8*38 (3 skins)